
目前顯示的是 4月, 2012的文章


對於感情,我可以說我很理智但又很浪漫,也夾雜著糊塗 這麼說起來也可以說就是當愛情來時是失智的 一個人時想的通,也明白2人之間的問題或繼續的困難 但2個人時,我似乎是那種可以不顧一切,沒有明天的那種瘋狂愛情 哪一個才是真正的我?我....在愛情裡看不清自己~ 我的感情來的快淡去的慢,好像跟一般人不同調 多數人來的快去的快OR來的慢去的也慢 我雖然感情來的快但可不是那種隨便亂愛的人 分手可能會讓我痛上好久,那種痛久久無法消散 外人看到的我是快樂的,我的心卻是打上石膏,讓人看不到內心的傷口 我追求的感情只希望心靈相通,平平順順,不想要那種轟轟烈烈的愛情 這點小小的願望,老天.佛祖能滿足我嗎?


一天看到一張照片很漂亮,很有FEELING~ 依樣畫葫蘆,照出了這張~ 個人覺的還可以,因為沒照到臉的正面 ~ 頭髮有層次的感覺很好~

RO Meeting dinner ~ Thursday

We have 5 days meeting with China and Europe people , they are all our company colleagues. After graduated from university I didn't have this kind of experience to work together with different people whom came form different country ~ So I think this is a good experience for me to join the meeting ~ She is my colleague in the same department ~ I like to take picture to remember every thing ~ We go to ikki to eat dinner ~ This is the first dish~ Some of the people didn't like to eat  sashimi, then they cooked it like that~ Some order the fish This is another dish A big shrimp~ With hot stone~ Took picture with MIS colleague~ We used beautiful cups to drink beer~ The soup~ The Taiwan team members took picture with Europe colleague , who is like Tom Cruise but he is a little bald ~ Handsome guy~ Took a lot of pictures~ They are MIS leaders This picture took form a colleague who is from China~ This is the one who comes form China~ We took a lot of pictures w...

RO Meeting dinner ~ Monday

I had a meeting with global project team~ In the first day ,Scot Lin the present of  Taiwan region had a dinner in The Westin 3F Every table had red wine~ And it's good to drink~ I used water instead of wine~ The healthly bread~ The set of the table was beautiful~ Salata~ All of our main food was ~chicken~ Because maybe the other people has different culture , they don't eat something~ The project "AGBS" And Monday night we had RO meeting dinner~ sweet and deliciuos~ The manul of dinner~ Took a picture of all the members~  

自助旅行的籌畫meeting2~101/03/11 星期天

第一次meeting後大家針對自己負責的部分做了很多的search ~ 3個城市的飯店已經有2個城市的確認了~ http://www.trivago.at/ 這個網站可以找到很多住宿的地方~ 選擇住宿的地方有些小原則. 在維也納市區因為比較方便,所以不一定要在火車站附近,只要有大眾交通工具到達即可 但在薩爾斯堡(Salzburg)跟哈爾斯塔特(Hallstatt)我們就希望在火車站附近,當抵達車站後 不需要再轉乘公車就可到達飯店,這樣是最方便的~ 這是我們在薩爾斯堡(Salzburg)訂的飯店~ http://www.booking.com/hotel/at/zumhirschen.zh.html?aid=327439;label=hotel-70116;sid=df8eeca469287285caffe94e43cc4bca;dcid=1;checkin_monthday=13;checkin_year_month=2012-5;checkout_monthday=15;checkout_year_month=2012-5;dva=0;group_adults=2;group_children=0&selected_currency=TWD 第二次會議的目的是要將每天的旅遊景點列出,討論出大家都想玩的路線~ 我們約在同事朋友開的餐廳見面 ~ 12:30 at blacksheep www.blacksheep-bakery.com 台北市中山區撫遠街21-1號(民權西路捷運站9號出口)  02-2587-2111 我搭車到了民權西路捷運站,要看地圖找到9號出口~ 12:14分走到9號出口囉~ 有點冷喔~ 進到店內囉~可愛的羊咩咩杯墊~ 同事點的義式墨魚筆管麵巧達~ 我的是墨西哥牛肉岩漿巧達~ 一同旅遊的朋友們合照一張喔~ 好好吃喔~ 吃飽喝足了開始我們的行程規劃~ 討論到下午5:00左右吃點小點心~