RO Meeting dinner ~ Thursday

We have 5 days meeting with China and Europe people , they are all our company colleagues.
After graduated from university I didn't have this kind of experience to work together with different people whom came form different country ~
So I think this is a good experience for me to join the meeting ~
She is my colleague in the same department ~

I like to take picture to remember every thing ~

We go to ikki to eat dinner ~
This is the first dish~

Some of the people didn't like to eat  sashimi, then they cooked it like that~
Some order the fish

This is another dish

A big shrimp~

With hot stone~

Took picture with MIS colleague~
We used beautiful cups to drink beer~

The soup~

The Taiwan team members took picture with Europe colleague , who is like Tom Cruise
but he is a little bald ~

Handsome guy~

Took a lot of pictures~

They are MIS leaders

This picture took form a colleague who is from China~

This is the one who comes form China~

We took a lot of pictures with colleagues came from Europe~

He is from Germany~

A nice and kindly man~

We said YA ~

cc~ Another picture with "Tom Cruise"~

He is a funny guy~

With China colleague~

Take a rest and drink~

We talk a lot ~All of us had a wonderful night~




